
Serving AI-Powered Dining Recommendations


Trofimo's 'Dynery' App

The Dynery app – A social dining application integrating restaurant discovery, booking, and social features.

Industry: AI/ML Big Data

Technologies: Python

Solutions: AI/ML Big Data

The Challenge

Trofimo faced the challenge of categorizing a vast array of dining options in an intuitive and user-friendly manner. The project demanded an innovative AI strategy that could integrate seamlessly with robust backend infrastructure within an aggressive launch timeline.


    Implementing AI Classification

    Classifying extensive dining options with precision.


    Creating Dynamic and Static Lists to Serve Recommendations

    Curating personalized dining lists from vast choices


    Developing Tailored REST APIs

    Integrating complex data streams into a user-friendly app interface.

Tech stack


AWS Lambda




H3 Spatial Index


Amazon Dynamo DB



Client impact


    Enhanced User Engagement

    Delivered an intelligent recommendation engine pivotal for the app's core functionality.


    Expedited Go-to-Market

    Supported Trofimo's accelerated market entry, aligning with their strategic business timelines.


    Intelligent Feature Development

    Provided a scalable framework to incorporate future enhancements and functionalities

Our partnership with Trofimo accelerated their app's development, enabling them to launch "Dynery" swiftly. Our team designed an AI-driven approach using a distilled version of Facebook's Bart model, which increased data classification speed tenfold, reducing the need for manual labeling. The zero-shot classification supported generating user-specific dining recommendations, and REST APIs were created for robust app integration. The project's rapid completion aligned with Trofimo's market launch objectives, allowing them to launch the MVP app within weeks of this project’s completion.

The Team

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